I was looking at recipe sites the other day trying to find some interesting snack foods or things to make with apples. I ran across a recipe for crackers. yes, crackers. You can make them at home. In fact I remember being a kid and my mother talking about making some crackers and that it was more trouble than it was worth. Nevertheless, I was intrigued. I like to cook and bake a lot more than my Mom does, so maybe I wouldn't find it more trouble than it was worth.
So today, I am making crackers. It's also an excuse to use my new food processor. (I never had one before and finally just decided to get myself one and a good one at that.)
My first batch was, I think, a little under-cooked. They weren't very crisp. I was worried about burning them. And, some of them puffed up a bit. Second batch I pricked with a fork so they wouldn't puff up and I baked them longer, to make sure they crisped up. They are actually pretty good. And I can control the ingredients--such as local flour and cheese, organic corn meal, milk, vinegar and butter, salt, pepper, paprika and a little baking soda. Having that kind of control is something I like because it enables me to eat more ethically.
And I am glad I know I can make them. But I doubt I'll make them all the time. Maybe Mom was right after all. They are a little bit more trouble than they are worth!
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